What's Up with Cupping? - An Overview

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You may have seen them at the beach this summer, or maybe in a yoga class. Wherever the encounter happened, you probably had one question, “What are those big red circles on everyone’s back?”

Don’t worry, it’s not an epidemic. In fact, these marks are a sign of people taking an interest in their health through cupping therapy.

Cupping therapy is a practice where localized suction is applied to the body in order to pull stagnation and toxins from the muscle tissue. While this may sound like a new fad, there’s actually a lot of history behind this treatment with one of the earliest mentions of it going back to 1100 BC! With so much renewed interest in cupping it’s important to not get swept up in the excitement and really examine how it works, what the benefits are and if there are any potential risks in its application. 

How It Works

Let’s step back and look at how a typical massage might work. Pressure is applied into the body downward, loosening the fascia, or connective tissue in the body that can sometimes get tight and knotted up. Cupping does a similar thing but in the reverse direction. When cups are placed on the body and suction begins, the tissues are pulled upward, applying negative pressure. This allows for a deeper and more targeted relaxation of the muscles, as well as an increased production of fluids that loosen stiff joints.

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They are not just opposites though, the real benefit of cupping relates to those red circles we talked about at the onset. Let’s take a step back and see how the body works and why they form. Normally, the body gets rid of cell waste (like carbon dioxide) and toxins via the circulatory system. Sometimes this waste gets stuck in our muscles and joints and it’s difficult for the body to get rid of them. When that happens, these substances cause pain and dysfunction in our body. When our circulation improves, this build-up is more easily removed! Cupping makes space for oxygen, living cells and nutrients to return to these depleted areas. 

The discoloration that occurs is a direct result of the release of those toxins and wastes from our fascia. We’ll get into the specifics of what the variety of colors mean, but generally the darker the discoloration, the more stagnation that was trapped in the tissue. In some instances, a spot that was treated may look the same as when it started. In that case, usually, there’s a lack of adequate circulation in that spot and it should be explored further as to why this is. Oh and don’t worry, that discoloration fades in a week or two.

The Benefits & Contraindications 

Now that we have the how covered, let’s take a look at the why. Why should you get cupping and what are the benefits? While cupping may be applied in a few specific areas, there is wide-reaching application for several of your body’s systems. When the circulation in your body starts to improve, it can alleviate fatigue, people have attributed the relief of headaches and sports injuries to cupping and others have experienced improvement in conditions like edema and cellulite. 


Cupping should generally feel like a light to medium pressure. While everyone’s different in how they tolerate discomfort, cupping should never be painful. If you’re experiencing more pain than expected, tell your massage therapist and they can adjust the procedure accordingly. 

There are certain circumstances where a person will want to avoid cupping altogether. You can find a list of these instances here. There are also some circumstances that are up for debate (ie. getting cupped while pregnant). You’ll want to run any concerns by your massage therapist and they will help you consider if cupping is the right treatment for you, or if you should consider something else.

Those are the basics. If you’re looking to get into more of the particulars about cupping, now is the time for questions! Feel free to DM us on social media or leave us comments here about what else you’re curious about or want us to cover. Next time we’ll take a look at some of the tools that are used during cupping and how they affect your experience. 

If you’re ready to book and see first hand how your body enjoys cupping, click here to book your next appointment! 

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